Hi hi..Nawal br blk ni..pegi midvalley Ada mom n bb expo..n tat was my first trip to midvalley n gardens!!ueayyy!!!well..I have prepared my report alredy so tat sape nk pegi esok dpt roughly idea n price list 4 some stuff

Bare with the crowd u all..kalo x jd mcm niiii

nampak x sy tgh bengang tuuu??
Mam sy bli nursing cover..rm29!!!trus pakai..heheh..it's from baby love..byk sgt bedding set n crib set yg cun kat baby love ni...

Non spill sippy cup frm pigeon

Cotton bud

Set of 3- toothbrush..all from pigeon..20 off..

Mama bli nursing bra ky fabulous mom..30 % off..dpt 27.90 rm..murah laa..n ktbsini Ada bumbo seat..rm139.90..murahhh..
Baju infant byk murah kt fiffy and pureen..best la..rm10 per pair ...

Mamam kt Belanga,gardens

Nasi kerabu mama

Nasi dagang ayah

Nawal mkn timun n carrot jeee...

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