mama is ultimately at fault 4 ignoring tis blog..and her own blog...since she started working,she has issue with time ...and me...yess..mama chose 2 send nawal to cik na's house and once a while i have to go to aunty lisa's or ayu's shelter..hehe...
anyway,its syawal...ramadhan is over...and yet not even a post during mama has decided to post a few photos taken during iftar at aunty irda's and yaya's crib....
as for now,nawal is a big girl..9says mama) and nawal seems ready to be a big sister ...(hint hint..)
yummy food prepared by aunties |
aunty yaya snapping away |
aunties,mama n me showing off our food |
mama love |
so...tats a quick entry...shall make mama update more soon...(doubtful)