Yeay....last nite i attempted to show off..and today i finally passed the first initial stage albeit slow..but what the heck it is still crawl regardless the speed..mama said its gear #1 and she started wondering how its gonna b with #5 speed..well u better get prepared mama.
Btw..last nite i accompanied my parents to mines shopping mall..ayah bot a new handphone. 4 mama..a brand new phone tat im still do not have the chance to lick n suck at the moment of speaking..we shall wait..haha

Mama loves the quality of the camera..and she snapped a few pix of me.

Owh..tis was taken this morning when i just woke up from lala land..
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yey..dah merangkak..mama better get prepared!! nawal makin besar semakin lain dari masa baby..too much different... aunty farah nak gigitttt!