Thursday, October 13, 2011

new update

holla spiderwebs..shossh shooshh....

sorry a such a long hibernation..blame mama 4 sure..she keep delaying all the important milestones and when she has time to update,she has lost the words/sentences.

as for now,nawal is one big girl already...since i can talk the talk and show tantrums...i love songs,and mama will always be surprised to see me singing in the looo.."bucuk banga..bucuk banga.."...using the R U SLEEPING rhythm and all..i am expert like that..

alhamdulillah,my health is at the most tip top ..its just tat i refused milk...yes..i oly took a few gulp per day...normally i will wait 4 mama to come home and straight away asking 4 nyum nyum..i am still bf,eventhough i am excedding the 2 yr period..mama said she will only allow another 2 months to make it 2.5 yrs of BF..tat is more than enof she said...erm..its a diff story when it comes to food...i am a big eater 4 my age,and my size...i am not a picky eater, alhamdulillah...and i consume quite a portion..tat makes mama happy,she said..since i have zero interest on the milk,i shud eat a lot of food..

its been a week since im addicted to my bedtime stories..and normally i chose one n one only..mama will upload the pix of tat book..when mama is not around to help me reading, i will read it out loud,imitating mama..and tat makes ayah laugh...

tat all 4 now..mebi mama will upload pix after tis..we shall c!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

ramadhan post

mama is ultimately at fault 4 ignoring tis blog..and her own blog...since she started working,she has issue with time ...and me...yess..mama chose 2 send nawal to cik na's house and once a while i have to go to aunty lisa's or ayu's shelter..hehe...
anyway,its syawal...ramadhan is over...and yet not even a post during mama has decided to post a few photos taken during iftar at aunty irda's and yaya's crib....
as for now,nawal is a big girl..9says mama) and nawal seems ready to be a big sister ...(hint hint..)

yummy food prepared by aunties

aunty yaya snapping away

aunties,mama n me showing off our food

mama love

so...tats a quick entry...shall make mama update more soon...(doubtful)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nawal is 2!!!!

Hello!!!salam...atummm ..hehe
Dahhh lamaaa mama x update blog nawal..pok mama!appo ning!!

Nawal dah tdo..kene paksa tdo awal sbb pg2 esk mama ckp dah kena pegi ambik aunty ayu n stret to shah alam..mama start keje esk!!!!nawal dah 2 hr training kat umah che far mama ckp nawal heppi je main2 ngan ipam n afiq!!

-mama interfrem

Last wiken mama n ayah arranged an early bday party cum bbq..theme dia sports so semua org pakai jersy..byk neeri negara n team yg dtg!!!
Nawal had fun...owh ateef pun celebrate skali!gamba byk kat fb mama ckp sbb mama ayah bz jd host..kwn2 mama yg rajin la ambik ramai yg rajin gossip n mkn je nawal rasa..hehe
Erm...nawal dah mkn becok..suka imitates org,semua dlm tv tu..plg suka tiru mama lah...
Erk..esk ni mama duk takut mcm mana lah nawal nnt...x pe..nawal dah big girl..nyum2 pun mlm je now..siang nawal dah minum dugro dumex choclate!

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Sunday, March 06, 2011

Not a good start 4 tis week

Hi..ayah is sick today..last nite he compalined lemau lemau lemau..he looked ok when he left for work tis morning..and suddenly at 10.3 am he came back looking so not him..
Mama told ayah to go uostairs n rest since nawal is so eager to plau with ayah..ayah did tat..later aftet 1 hr he got down with a temp...he developed a fever..mama took my digital termometer and it says 38.8
Doakan ayah plz...going 2 a clinic later in the evening..we went to hosp putrajaya tis morning..the crowd was crazy so ayah refused to wait..
Tats all folks!!

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20 months???

Dah lama mama update..lupalah..x de idea kan..mama suruh doakan supaya die berjaya submit thesis dia hujung bulan mac ni..amin!!!

Nawal dah 20 bulan dah..cepat rasanya...dah pandai ikut arahan..most importantly..i am mama's little helper...pantang tgk mama menyapu,terus g ambik penyodok..alhamdulillah kata mama..biar rajin sampai bila2..doa mama..amin

Bulan ni jugak nawal pergi jab..dah lambat sebulan..eyh..bln lepas mama ckp nawal kuat..x nanges langsung..nurse pun nawal nk pegang tgn nurse cabut jarum tu..nurse ckp nawal pandai...aminnnn

Nawal dah byk vocab..totosh-cockroach..epen-aeroplane..angkel..aunty..abam..tatak..byk dah..dah blh contrust sentence dah..
"mama..nak ni.." "mama nk air..."tp yg mama plg suka gelak yg ni "totosh..amik ayah ni..ha"..hahah..mama ckp nawal ni penghibur hati mama n ayah..mama doakan semoga nawal sentiasa menjadi hiburan,penyejuk hati mama n ayah..amin..

Nawal skrg suka buat sendiri..indie sgtlah konon..time mkn protes x mau mkn..sebenarnya nk suap sendiri..last2 baju yg "mkn" food nawal..sesekali je nawal bg mama suap sampai kenyang..selalunya gduh2 ngan mama nk suap sendiri.mama ckp "nawal..time mama ada ni la nk suap2..time ni lah mama nk buatkan..nnt kalau dh besar semua nawal kena buat perhaps bila mama dah kerja org lain yg buatkan.."pastu mama nanges..mama ckp..doa mama nawal di bwh jagaan allah walau di mana nawal berada..AMIN
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Update update

Hiiii!!!!!hi semuaaaa!!!

Hi yg mcm upin ipin tau !!!my fav cartoon chars tu!!!bukan yg mcm tgh tdo tuuu...
Nawal dah pandai berlakon skrg..berlakon nanges..sakit..mcm mcm dah...mama pun pening
Nyum nyum x leh wean lagi..owh nyum2 tu word referring to mama's &@03s...mmg dr umur 6 bln lagi kot nawal panggil mcm tu..sampailah skrg..
As for now,nawal suka mkn sendiri...kalau x bg..nawal nanges..lari jauh2 merajuk..mama ckp sabar jelah

N sgt suka nari2 dpn tv dgr lagu2...x kesahla pape..lagu iklan pun layan..jaddi n jaddah gelak je tgk nawal buat show

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Saba' mat'aam

Salam semua..dah pukul 3 pg..nawal dh tdo kul 11 td,mama trus laju buat kerja sampai 2.50..then sent trus kt SV die..mama x lena tdo kalau2 kene redo lagi instrument thesis dia..nawAL x phm.ingt instrument music je..
Nawal dah byk skrg gg..semua geraham atas bwh dah muncul..satu atas n satu bwh mmg dh completely tumbuh..lagi 2 dlm pembesaran kata mama.,
Semlm mama g saba' ..cyberjaya..lunch date mama n ayah after pegi hosp..mama hepi sbb dr wong ckp x de pape...lump hr tu dah x de dah..alhamdulillah..
Erm..nak share gamba kat saba je ramai sgt..tgu pun lama sbb nasik habis.

Oooooh juice niii..

Masaaaaaam la mama!!!!

Tp habis jugak..ns x de lg?mkn caramel je la dulu..Daap...(sedap)

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Friday, January 21, 2011

ayah outstation lagi

ayah outstation trg...mama dah mintak mak long nuha n adik fathi tolong temankan mlm rabu...cik jan datang mlm khamis...jumaat mlm ayah dah balik...nawal sukaaaaaaaaa sgt bila ada org datang rumah...mama ckp x payah bgtau sbb nawal trus jd hyper dan riang suka ria...

hari ni cik jan tolong jd drebar shah alam...SV mama cuti,so mama pegi jumpa aunty irda...kat pak nawal buat sombong..sbb ada cik jan..mama marah...mama ckp time mama jumpa SV,aunty irda yg olong ni  buat sombong pulak...nawal mintak maaf aunty irda!!!

pastu mama pegi jumpa cikna..mama abag afiq n ni besday cikna...mama bwk kek yg die bawak semlm..n tudung as a present....nawal hyper lagi bila jumpa kwn2 n toys yg sgt semua utk boys toys tu....x kesahla sbb nawal kat umah pun suka main car!!!

ni nawal tdo..mama tgu ayah balik....mama hepi ayah dah balik sbb boleh tgk tiramisu ngan ayah dah pasni...mama ckp,ayah teman mama...mama nak ayah teman  mama sampai ke akhirat..sampai ke syurga...mama mmg jiwang!hehe

Saturday, January 01, 2011


Itssss new yr!!!!and nawal is officially a yr and haf today!!!time flies like a lightning speed!!!
Yesterday,ayah took us to empire..i love the xmas deco

..nothing much ther xcpt a big gigantic toys r us..i lost in my own world of imagination...i keep pointing here ther and say "nak nak nak"...
And today..mama made me play and learn...

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